This is a picture of me with a fellow just graduating from Boot Camp. It's hard to believe that he paid to have me flown out for this then made so much of a jerk of himself that it ended our friendship. That's life I guess.
This Canon T70 is part of my collection of cameras. I never numbered them or put them together properly, but I got this one on Ebay before I stopped collecting.
I got these flowers at a dollar store and was hoping to plant them in my yard. Then things when to hell. I keep thinking one day I'll get the money to make my home worth living in again. One day.
I took this close up of the front of this fan motor because I figured 'how often do you see that?' I think this is from the 60's but I'm not sure. It was original to my home in 2012 and long past it's life expectancy.
This has got to be my Grandpa Sid back early in the 80's. I'm told Sid and Leland, my two grandfathers, looked very much alike. I have no recollection of the two men but those are Pennsylvania plates in the background.
This is the back of the last photograph. I figured it was worth preserving before I mark that it has been scanned into my computer. My mother worked at a Thrifty Pharmacy back in the day. I did crop out and enhance this image so that the words could be clearly read. Well, history isn't often easy to look at.
The back of this picture has Feb 1981 stamped on it and this looks like a birthday gift so i'm giving this the date of my first birthday. This image is reasonably intact compared to the last one. Still I think it says something that I'm There alone.
This is one of the rare images of my mother. She didn't much care to be photographed because of the illness that tor her down. It's hard for me to look at her and think that she has been gone for so long.